YouTube Channels
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Cloud Native Computing Foundation | |
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Put together by a band of IT ninjas, security professionals and hardcore gamers, Hak5 isn't your typical tech show. We take on hacking in the old-school sense. |
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focused on everything on tech | |
TV-testejä | |
PC hardware reviews, game benchmarks, component analysis. | |
Tech reviews, tutorials, PC hardware and do-it-yourself computer building | |
That which is boxed must be unboxed. Unless it's filled with snakes. Don't open that. | |
Host of "Room Tour Project" • Tech Reviews • Gaming Setups |
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Vlogaamista "digitaalinen luovuus" teemalla, johon koodailuhommat kuuluu oleellisesti |
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Kiinnostaako sijoittaminen? Haluaisitko oppia lisää sijoittamisesta? Nordnet Suomen Youtube-kanavalta löydät opetusvideoita, tapahtumatataltiointeja, sijoittamiseen liittyviä vinkkejä ja muita ajankohtaisia säästämiseen ja sijoittamiseen liittyviä videoita | |
Inderes poimii sijoittajille parhaat sijoituskohteet. Inderesin Youtube-kanavalla on videoita osakkeista ja pörssiyhtiöistä. | |
Common Sense Investing is about sensible investing and financial decision making for Canadians, or anyone else that can put up with my Canadian focus. |
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Kanadalainen rakentelee käsipelillä mökkiä, saunaa jne. Hienoa kuvaa, ja jotenkin koukuttavan rentouttavaa | |
woodwork/metalwork to photography/drawing | |
kokkailua ja ties mitä kaivurin johtosarjojen ja webastohäkkäilyjen touhuamisia | |
Todella rentouttavaa sorvausta. |
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Very focused technical cooking | |
Technical cooking with extreme dedication to perfectionism | |
High quality deserts with some light healthy dishes as well | |
Short everyday recipes | |
Entertaining cooking | |
Highly technical cooking | |
Professional chefs show everyday recipes | |
Recipes for bodybuilders | |
Professional chef shows some everyday cooking | |
Short professional recipes | |
Authentic Chinese cooking | |
American chef shows some professional restaurant recipes | |
Vegan recipes | |
Short recipes, mostly deserts | |
Odd / weird recipes and foods | |
Professional entertaining cooking | |
Swedish home cooking | |
Chef John shows professional home cooking, hundreds of great recipes | |
Professional chef cooks at home | |
Indian cooking for hundreds of orphan children | |
Authentic Chinese home cooking | |
Entertaining Finnish home cooking | |
Heavy metal musician cooks keto food | |
Professional japanese chef cooks at home | |
Drink recipes | |
Various health foods and deserts | |
Professional chef cooks at home | |
Professional chef cooks for family | |
Entertaining skilled cooking at home | |
Professional Japanese chef cooks at home | |
Keto cooking at home | |
Various home cooking recipes | |
Russian everyday cooking | |
Keto cooking at home | |
Great Korean cooking at home | |
Michelin chef cooks simple dishes | |
Swedish home cooking from professional chef | |
Keto recipes | |
Amateur cooking at home | |
Very technical and entertaining cooking of various recipes from around the world | |
Great deserts and everyday dishes | |
Well made and informative South East Asian recipes | |
Authentic and original pasta recipes from Italian villages | |
Various asian style recipes | |
(Finnish) Steaks, meat curing etg | |
Entertaining and technical home recipes | |
Finnish home cooking | |
Traditional chinese cooking | |
Sous vide taken to extreme | |
Short home cooking recipes | |
Indian cooking for hundreds of children | |
Celebrity Chef shows luxury dishes | |
Korean dishes |
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JDCav24 is the home of ATHLEAN-X™ on YouTube! This is where you can find all the latest FREE workouts, nutrition and supplement advice to get you on your way to ripped 6 pack abs and a more muscular, athletic body in record time. | |
Laskettelun opetusvideoita |
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variety of Slav Gaming, Cooking, Car reviews, Animation and Tutorials content, including Slav games, GTA gameplay, Gaming, Budget recipes, Slav cooking, DIY guides, Country Reviews, m,Language lessons and animated content. | |
This is the place for all the lunacy and crazy ideas from Bad Obsession Motorsport. We're a leading race and rally car preparation company specializing in projects that are just a little bit mad. | |
Kissoja | |
? | |
typerän hauskoja pelivideoita | |
Realityohjelmien metakatselua, "roisi sohvaperunat"? | |
Ainoan jenkkilästä tulevan olennaisen ajankohtaisohjelman kanava | |
Parrakas mies syö todella paljon ruokaa. Ehkä fetissikanava |
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Coding Math is an ongoing series of video tutorials designed to teach you the math you need to understand as a programmer. | |
Videos about numbers - it's that simple | |
Videos explaining things with optimistic nihilism. We are a small team who want to make science look beautiful. Because it is beautiful. | |
Math videos by Presh Talwalkar (studied Mathematics and Economics at Stanford). I post brain teasers, riddles, logic puzzles, viral math problems, and math topics from viewers around the world. | |
"tää on kyl ehdottomasti paras matikka-aiheinen kanava, toi python frameworkki millä nuo kaikki animaatiot on tehty on kans saatavilla githubissa " |
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